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1 Peter 4:8 - “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” 

This is the first design God chose to give us when we started making T-shirts in 2020. Since then, “above all, love.” has been stitched onto thousands of garments. This design is special, not special because we designed it elaborately or marketed it well, its actually our most basic design; and we’re bad at marketing. 

But we believe this design is special because it carries with it the message of the Gospel. That above all, forsaking himself and laying down his own life, Jesus Christ loves us so much he died for us. Paying the debt we rightfully owed, in full. 

And because our debt has been paid, we can now have a relationship with the God of the universe! 

This is truly the greatest conversation you can have with someone, and it can be sparked just by the clothes you are wearing.